Nurbaya, Indonesia USA 70th Ambassador

Nurbaya Pulhehe

Nurbaya Pulhehe is her complete name. Everyone calls her ‘Baya’ for a short. Baya is the student of Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri which is located in Kediri regency that’s well-known its incredible monument namely Simpang Lima Gumul and Kampung Inggris Pare. Hence, Baya comes from Ambon-Maluku province. In 2013, She left her home and hijrah to Kediri. Up to now, She becomes a young educator who is focusing on Educational system. as the student of English Study program, She is active in professional Council such as Ikatan Guru Indonesia (IGI) and The Best Teacher forum. Based on her huge interesting in Education system. She always joins Google Education workshop to learn more about learning media and class management. To develop her interesting in its field, She has been focused on literacy development of students especially young Learners to engage the learning easily, using learning media that’s been created by her in 2018.

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